Need a new wallpaper for your phone? Ask, and you shall receive – a free downloadable iPhone wallpaper background, designed by yours truly. I thought about sharing another bright wallpaper like last month, but I’ve decided to share a more simple, but upbeat wallpaper to help you enjoy a relaxed and positive summer.
Click here to download the Cotton & Flax iPhone wallpaper for June.
What’s that? You have the iPhone 5? Well, aren’t you fancy! Click here for your download.
This month, the wallpaper background features the white plus pattern on the lovely linen tea towels that I sell in the Cotton & Flax shop. I’ll call this pattern “Simple Positivity.”
This wallpaper should work for most smartphones, not just the iPhone (although it may get cropped depending on the screen size). You can also browse the archive of other free iPhone wallpaper downloads!
To Download: Click the link and it will take you directly to the image. If you are on your phone, you can simply save the image to your phone, and set it as your wallpaper in the settings area of your phone. If you’re on a computer, save the image to your computer, then email the photo to yourself. Open the email on your phone, save the photo to your phone, and set the photo as the wallpaper!